Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome To the MORON OF THE MONTH Club

Texting driver
This bright minded lady was spotted driving down Austin Bluffs in Colorado Springs in the middle of traffic and in the middle of a text message.

There is nothing like a little common sense to keep others on the road safe.
Congratulations on your induction to the “Moron of the Month Club”!

#kktv #koaa #stupiddrivers #coloradosprings #AustinBluffs #stupiddrivers #peopleofwalmart

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Oh Hale, Jeremiah Went To Jail!

Jeremiah Hale
Pueblo, Colorado resident, Jeremiah Hale, had the misfortune of going to jail. Apparently Hale’s arrest found him with drugs, cash, and weapons. Such things can cause a person to loose much sleep as evidenced by Hale’s booking photo.

Great news, Jeremiah! You will now have plenty of time to catch up on your sleep!


Thursday, August 21, 2014

No Cell Phone Use In The Library Means Feel Free To Use Your Cell Phone?

Quiet Library
It may be that this particular man is illiterate, but the sign makes it clear that there is to be no use of cell phones in the library. The words, “QUIET AREA” seem to go unnoticed by the masses whether it is those on a cell phone or a young mother who brings her screaming child into the library.

Libraries are simply not what they used to be. If you are seeking a quiet place to study, you may want to avoid the library.

 #loudpeopleatthelibrary #coloradosprings #peopleofwalmart #stupidpeople #idiot #idiots

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Dangers of Paying Half the Electric Bill

Apparently a local store has seen a decline in customers and was only able to pay half the electric bill for this month.

Lights Out

 #lightsout #poweroutage

There is something on your head!

There is nothing like all season head-wear. In this case, a cold-natured woman is trying to keep her head warm on a 90 degree day in Colorado Springs.

 #peopleofwalmart #funnylookingwoman #oddsight